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Our next club meeting is Tuesday, July 9th at 10:00am at the Veteran's Memorial Hall,
130 Placerville Drive in Placerville.
We look forward to seeing you!

President's Meeting Updates

For General Meeting Location and Tim and For Topics and Speakers


PGC Co-Presidents' Update June 2024

Hello to all our fellow gardeners,


This is a reminder that next garden club meeting is Tuesday July 9th at 10am and our topic will be orchid care!

Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month (except August!) downstairs at the Veteran's Memorial Building on 130 Placerville Drive, Placerville, California 95667.  Plenty of free parking!

We will have some Q and A time as we also want to get your input and ideas for future events, speakers and things that interest you!  This is your club, and we want to know what you'd like to learn, see and do :)


There will not be a raffle during our July meeting -Lynne will be on vacation!

We have our first club event coming up Saturday June 22nd at the VFW Hall from 10am-2pm, and a portion of our sales will help support our local Boys and Girls club! We hope to see you there!

We will see you TUESDAY, JULY 9th at 1OAM.




Debra Nattrass

Veronica Salter


Placerville Garden Club


PGC Co-Presidents' Update October 2023



This is a reminder that we have an upcoming meeting Tuesday October 10th. 

We are looking forward to our Pumpkin contest and that you were able to have success

with your seeds. We have prizes for the biggest and heaviest pumpkin. 

We also have two Arborists from Foothill Forest Care to speak to us regarding the health

and well being of our trees. 

We will also have information to share regarding our service projects, upcoming events and future events.

Also, you will have the opportunity to buy tickets for the Raffle items put together by Lynne de Bie and helpers

which helps to keep our club running. 

Snacks will be provided by our Hospitality person Shelby Gorden and volunteers, for your enjoyment.

And of course, we will have time to talk and socialize with our fellow gardeners.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you can make it.


Debra Nattrass

Veronica Salter


Placerville Garden Club

PGC  President's Update September 2023

Club meeting reminder!


See you all next Tuesday Sept. 12th at 10:00 at the Placerville Library on 345 Fair Lane. Our guest speaker will be Master Gardener Julie Barbour talking about the "10 Most Wanted Bugs in Your Garden!"


We look forward to seeing you all again after our August break and encourage you to bring a friend along and share the fun.  We will have refreshments and our awesome raffle again along with our speaker.


It is club membership renewal time as well so bring some cash or your checkbook if you haven't renewed yet. Diana Haslam keeps our membership records, and she can let you know if you have paid or not.  Membership (open to download the Membership Form) for the 2023-2024 season (July-June), is $30 per individual and $35 per household. Mid-year (Jan - June) is $15 and $18. To join the Club, dues may be paid by cash or check at a Garden Club meeting along with a Membership Form or you may mail the form with a check to:

Placerville Garden Club, c/o D. Haslam, 3000 Carlson Dr, Shingle Springs, CA 95682

Thanks everyone and see you next Tuesday!


Veronica Salter 

PGC Co-President


PGC Co-Presidents' Update July 2023

Hello Everyone,


Veronica and I are looking forward to our first club meeting as your Co-Presidents.


Our gardens are thriving and Veronica seems to have a good bumper crop of vegetables while my 

blooming flowers seem to be doing well this year.  We hope your gardens are doing well also.


We are wanting to remind you all that we have a meeting coming up tomorrow, Tuesday, July11th

at 10am. We'll be meeting again in the Placerville Library, located at 345 Fair Lane, in Placerville.


We have so much to cover tomorrow and here's a few highlights.


We will give a brief overview of our financial status, ByLaws changes and pass out ballots for our Secretary Election.  

We will then talk about gardening in July to include managing pests and summer planting. 

Following that, we will present our main speaker, Greg Gayton of Green Acres, who will speak about gardening in the heat and other topics. 

We will have an intermission for snacks and visiting with our fellow gardeners. 

Following our intermission, we will have a second speaker, Lisa Perdichizzi from the Sierra Monarch Rescue Project to give us an update on the Milkweed Foster program.

Concluding our meeting we will pick the raffle prizes and announce the results of our election.


As you can see, we will have a very full meeting and hope you can attend.


We would also like to remind everyone that we are still in need of a Hospitality person to help with our monthly snacks.


Also, Veronica would like to remind you that she has a Veteran's Hall Victory Garden workday scheduled July 12th, this Weds. at 8:30 am to beat the heat.  Should only take an hour of your time.  Come and keep our garden looking great.

See you tomorrow


Debra Nattrass and Veronica Salter


Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update June 2023

Hello everyone!

SAVE THE DATE- For the Placerville Garden Club (PGC)  and the Golden Foothills District (GFD) meetings.


Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023.

Time: The PGC will meet in the Children's Garden at 9:00 AM and will join the GFD meeting at 10:00AM in the Pergola.

Location:  Sherwood Demonstration Garden, 6699 Campus Drive, Placerville. Parking is free.

Topic:  “What’s Not to Like About Succulents”? Speaker, MG Donna Hauser. Tour of the Sherwood Demonstration Garden.

Fee: The GFD will collect a $2 fee.

Refreshments: The PGC will provide morning refreshments and all GFD club members (including the PGC) are to participate in the potluck. Please bring a dish to share according to your FIRST NAME provided below. Plan the dish to serve 6-10 people.  

Potluck, By First Name

A-D: Main dish (loosely defined)

E-N: Salad of any kind

O–Z: Desert

Note: Refrigeration and heating will not be available on site. You may bring an ice chest if you'd like. Also, please bring any necessary serving utensils.  The PGC will provide morning refreshments, plates, flatware, cups, napkins, beverages and chilled water.


The PGC is looking forward to hosting this event and hope that you will join us. It’s sure to be a wonderful meeting full of lessons, good food, fun raffle items, and the opportunity to socialize with other garden clubs. Thanks again for your support!



Diane Hernandez, President 

Placerville Garden Club Board



PGC President's Update May 2023

Good evening,

I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather!  We certainly did yesterday as some of us traveled to the Anada Crystal Heritage Center near Nevada City where we explored the beautiful gardens. Over 17,000 tulips! You can check out the various posts on Facebook.


Tuesday, May 9, 10:00AM the PGC May meeting will be held at the El Dorado County Library Conference Room, 345 Fair Lane, Placerville.  We were unable to continue meeting at the fairgrounds in May or June. PGC member and professional photographer, Steph Gabler will join us to share ideas on how to take great nature photos. Yes, using your cell phone!  She also has some fun plans for a competition that she'll share. We'll vote for elected officers.  There's still time to nominate yourself or someone else for an elected office (President, V President, Secretary, Treasurer). Just send an email to with the name and office that you'd like to nominate. 


Thursday, May 25-The Golden Foothills District (GFD) and the Chicago Park Garden Club will host the annual Garden Hat Party!  We attended last year and it was a lot of fun!  Open this link to see the attached flier for more information.


Tuesday, June 13th-The PGC will NOT meet on the 13th as the meeting is moved to Thursday, June 15th.


Thursday, June 15th, 9:00 AM- The PGC will be hosting the annual Golden Foothills District General Meeting.  Each year, a garden club in the GFD hosts the meeting for all of the garden clubs. It's our turn to host!

Following a brief PGC meeting, we'll welcome the garden clubs of the GFD.  The gathering will be held at the Sherwood Demonstration Garden, 6699 Campus Drive, Placerville. The theme of our meeting will be, What's Not to Like About Succulents?"  We;ll have a speaker on succulents, prizes, etc.  More info will follow later.

That's it for now...


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update April 2023

Hello all,

I think I have experienced every type of weather here in Apple Hill this week! I'm so eager to put all of these flower seedlings into the ground. Ugh!


Here's a little reminder-

Next week's meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th @ 10:00 AM. We'll meet again at the Corker Room, EDC Fairgrounds.

We have lots to cover! 

I will give a brief overview of what to do in April-planting, managing pests, etc. Then we'll follow with the "Ask a Master Gardener" Panel. I've had several members request this and we are so fortunate to have several MGs in the garden club. So bring ALL of those questions related to gardening!

We'll also take nominations for the elected offices: President, Vice President(s), Secretary and Treasurer. Director positions will be appointed later by the new president. Please consider nominating yourself or if nominated consider taking on the role. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the membership. And you'll have lots of support!

Do you remember last fall's pumpkin contest? Well, next week we'll do a repeat by starting seeds to take home and grow in hopes of growing the biggest or most unique pumpkins.

Lastly, we're finalizing plans for the PGC  September 30th fall event. We need everyone's help to make the day a success. Please help. 😁


See you next week,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update March 2023


I don't know about you, but I am so ready for spring...YES to sunshine, NO to shoveling snow, NO to wind in my hair and NO to walking around Green Acres and making NO plant purchases. 😀

A few reminders:

The next Placerville Garden Club (PGC) is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14th at 10:00AM. We're celebrating our 5th anniversary!  As we did in February, we will meet at the Corker Room, El Dorado County Fairgrounds (see driving instructions in the February Update below). The topic of this meeting will be Garden Tools and Tips.  Are you finding gardening sometimes physically challenging? Then you won't want to miss this presentation by Master Gardener, Ada Bhremer. Also, if you have a favorite tool that has helped you, please bring it or plan to talk about it. 

 We will also discuss nominations for the 2023-2025 term. Lastly, please consider how you might support the Fall 2023, Gardening in the Foothills Event that the PGC will host. We'll provide an overview and discuss the tasks the PGC needs help with.

Looking forward to seeing you,!


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update February 2023

Good Eve,

Isn't this dry weather wonderful?!  Finally I am able to prune, prune, prune.

So, next week we will celebrate Valentine's Day with a special activity! Did you know that tea is the world's most consumed beverage? On Tuesday, February 14th (Valentine's Day) beginning at 10:00 AM,  Master Gardener, Kitty Stewart will provide an overview on the topic of  tea. We'll also sample a variety of teas accompanied with traditional finger foods. This promises to be a fun meeting!  We suggest you bring a tea cup to enjoy the experience. Also, if you have a special tea you'd like to share, bring it. 😀


Lastly, due to the closing of the VFW Hall because of flooding, the PGC will meet nearby at the El Dorado County Fairgrounds, Corker Building. To get there, go through the main fair gate on Placerville Drive. Park in the plaza area near the rose circle and in front of the Mark Forni Building. The Corker Room is up the hill to the right of the parking area. Members needing disabled parking, must show a placard and can park just east of the Corker Building.  

We so hope that you'll join us for this special event...see you on Valentine's Day!


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update January 2023

Happy New Year! 

We'll, we are certainly off to a bang, weather wise anyway! In fact, due to weather, our Tuesday, January 10th garden club meeting is canceled. The VFW Hall sustained some damage due to flooding and will need to be addressed before we meet there again. Just in case, the Board is also looking into a backup location for February.


February PGC Meeting-

The Board has some interesting and fun things planned for the February 14th meeting!  MG and VP of the El Dorado County Herb Society, Kitty Stewart, will talk about growing and enjoying teas. We'll sample teas and finger foods. Bring your favorite tea cup and perhaps finger foods to be shared. Think tea cakes, finger sandwiches, scones, etc. You might check out Pinterest for ideas! 


Secondly, we'll dive into planning for our first PGC public event scheduled for September 30, 2023. As you may recall, the purpose of this event is to raise funds that will support the PGC community service projects. Please be thinking how you will participate...more info to come. 😁


Lastly, I was asked to share an activity being hosted by the Sierra Foothills Rose Society. Please open this link to see the details.

Stay safe, stay warm....


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Additional Update: November & December 2022

Yep, there are several upcoming activities you might be interested in, so save these dates:

Saturday, November 19th. Decorate the tree on the Highway 50 Christmas Tree Lane! IF you signed up to help, you should have received an email from Deb Nattrass, Events/Fundraiser Director with the necessary info.

Saturday, November 19th beginning at noon. The Sierra Monarch Rescue Project will hold its kick-off of the project to build out a network of way stations between Folsom and Pollock Pines for pollinators, primarily monarch butterflies.  Volunteers will put down sheeting and compost for the first way station. You can learn more about the Project at

Tuesday, November 29th beginning at 10:00 AM. Make holiday wreaths, swags or table arrangements with Instructor, Maryann Brodderick. Please RSVP to this email if you plan on participating. We are asking for a $5 donation per member. The PGC will have some wreath forms, wire, ribbon, glue guns, and some greenery.  Members might bring additional greenery and any of the aforementioned supplies. 

Tuesday, December 13th beginning at 10:00AM. PGC Holiday Get Together!  In lieu of a speaker, we will hold a potluck and have an optional gift exchange ($15). We will also have a raffle and holiday games. 

Here's hoping you can join us. 😀


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: November 2022

Brrrrrrr.... the rain has come and the temps are dropping...wonderful!  The next garden club meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 10:00 AM. However, we had hoped to meet at the Master Gardener Sherwood Demonstration Garden, but rain is expected and the morning temperature will be low.  So, we'll be meeting at the Veterans Memorial Building as usual.  Our speakers are Cindy Young and Dave Hale.  The topic is putting your garden to bed.   Both Cindy and Dave always make such great presentations, so I hope you'll join us!

Save the dates:

November 8-It would seem that members are digging up rhizomes, bulbs and some plants to share.  If you'd like to contribute, please bring your donations to the meeting and I'll have plastic bags for them. 

November 19th-Yay, the PGC "won" a spot in the lottery for the Highway 50 Christmas Tree Lane!  As in past years, we'll decorate a Christmas tree. The time to meet has yet to be determined, but we'll let you know later and ask members to RSVP if they'd like to help.


November 29, 10:00 AM-? Holiday Wreath making workshop.  We'll meet at the VFW Hall with instructor, Maryann Brodderick to make beautiful holiday wreaths, swags and table arrangements.  We'll have a sign-up sheet to participate at the November meeting.  If you won't be at the November meeting, but would like to participate, please RSVP to this email.  The Board will provide wreath forms, wire, some greenery, some ribbon, glue guns, etc.  We could really use any additional greenery, wreath forms from last year's wreath form, any additional ribbon, etc. We ask for a $5 donation to the PGC to help cover costs.


Sunday, December 4-The Placerville Christmas Parade.  Unfortunately, the PGC will not participate in the parade this year as most of the Board will be out of town or has other obligations. Unless of course, there is a member who would like to take the lead on participation in the parade. That requires submitting the application, planning the entry (float? just walkers? etc.)  and informing members of the plans,  leading the group in the parade, etc. If you're interested in doing this, please respond to this email.


Tuesday, December 13- The PGC meeting will consist of a potluck, holiday games, prizes, raffle and optional holiday gift exchange ($15).  More info at the November meeting. that's enough for now. 

Lastly, I'd like to welcome Colette Fehringer to the PGC Board. She is the new secretary!  Also, a big thank you to Diana Haslam and Susie King for taking on this role for such a long time.  😀


Take care,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: October 2022


Good afternoon,

Well, it feels as if fall has finally least the evening temps are cooler. 😀  Have you ever grown pumpkins or gourds or wanted to?  I hope you'll join us for an informative AND fun meeting on Tuesday, October 11th @ 10:00 AM. Remember the address is 130 Placerville Drive, Placerville.

We'll cover everything pumpkins and gourds (history, growing, seed saving, harvesting and what you can do with them). 

Also, if you started a Big Max Pumpkin seed during the March or April meetings, please bring your pumpkin for the weigh-in...prizes for the largest and most unusual!  Plus, bring a DYI pumpkin project to share.  It can be anything that you made that resembles a pumpkin.  

Lastly, all garden club members of the Golden Foothills District (GFD) are invited to attend the GFD General meeting on Thursday, October 20. 2022. This will be a potluck event.  We meet at the Auburn Salvation Army Hall, 286 Sutter Street, Auburn, Ca.  A speaker from the Sacramento County Master Gardeners will make a presentation titled, "Making Food Tasty".  She is a professional chef and culinary instructor. Plus, this gives gardeners from across the district to meet and touch bases.  It should be fun!  We'll carpool from the VFW Hall, so SAVE THE DATE if you are interested.

Take care and I hope to see you next week!


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: September 2022

Dear Members,

Wow...will this heat wave ever end?  I couldn't figure out why two beds were so dry and the plants were really struggling. Apparently, my husband forgot to turn the water timer back on after fixing a sprayer! Five days later... Ugh. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will survive. 

A few things to share-

The PGC September meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13th at the usual time of 10:00AM. We are still meeting at 130 Placerville Drive, Placerville (VFM Building).  The topic of the meeting is perfect for this time of year...Seed Saving by Master Gardener, Paula Bertram. She'll discuss the whys and ways of simple seed saving, choosing which seeds to save and how best to harvest, clean and preserve them.  Paula's presentation promises to be a thorough one! To help, she suggests members bring  seed catalogs, any interesting seeds or seed pods to show, and possibly  a hand lens or loupe.  Plus, members are encouraged to bring seeds that they would like to share or trade. We'll have envelopes and pens for labeling.  Should be fun!

Next, here's a SAVE THE DATE...Saturday, October 1.  El Dorado County Master Gardeners will host a fun day, "Fall Into Gardening",  at the Sherwood Demonstration Garden. There will short classes, fun activities for the kids, tours of the garden and many informational booths including one hosted by the  Placerville Garden Club!! See the attachment. Here's hoping you'll come out and spread the word about the event.

Lastly, a final reminder that if you haven't already submitted dues for the 2022-2023 season and intend to continue, please plan on paying dues ($25 individual or $35 household) before October 1.  Afterwards, the member roster will be finalized and submitted to the California Garden Club Inc. and contact information will be updated to reflect the new roster.  


Stay cool and I hope to see you on the 13th!

Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


Please note there wasn't a Membership meeting for August 2022.


PGC President's Update: July 2022


Hello PGC Members,


Next Tuesday we will meet at the Veteran's Hall in Placerville at 10 A.M. to enjoy some time together.  We will be playing a few games and having a plant exchange.  Then after the break, Veronica will show us how to paint rocks and you will be able to create your own designs.


In preparation for this meeting there are a few things to do:


-Paint rounded smaller river rocks with white or pastel colored acrylic paint and bring them to the meeting to decorate.  We will have some available, but would appreciate if some of you can help out and bring in a few rocks and a few more to share.


-Plant exchange - if you want to participate in the plant exchange, bring in a potted plant or rooted cutting in water to exchange.  Remember, bring one, take one policy please.


-In preparation for one of our games and if you plan to attend, please email me something interesting about yourself that you have done or accomplished or something totally surprising that most members do not know about.  We will be playing a people scavenger hunt and this will make it extra fun!  Please do so by Sunday so I can type up the questions for this game.


Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon!  Please include your answer and your first and last name, as some of your emails keep me guessing!



I look forward to seeing many of you this coming Tuesday.


Patty Schwartz

Co-Vice President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: June 2022


Hi Fellow Gardeners,


Tomorrow, Tuesday June 14th, is our monthly meeting.  We look forward to learning about and designing floral arrangements with two of our master gardener members Susie King and Anne Bettencourt. 


 In order to prepare for the meeting, please bring your own vase or jar to put your arrangement in. See what is growing and blooming now in your garden that you can bring in and even cut a little extra to share with the group.  The more we have to share, the more interesting our arrangements can be.  Also, bring snippers to use for cutting stems.


We will have an enjoyable time as we see the variety of blooms and greenery we grow and how to put them together in different ways.  Come and be creative!


Also, our annual dues are being collected now.  The form will be at the meeting and is also on our website under the membership tab.  The dues are $25 for individuals and $35 for households.  You can pay at the meeting or mail in your payment.


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.🌹


On behalf of Diane Hernandez, President,

Patty Schwartz

Placerville Garden Club Co-Vice President

PGC President's Update: May 2022

Wow....Mother's Day is just around the corner!  And some of us will take a field trip to Annie's Annuals and Perennials in Richmond on Monday, May 2nd.  I'm certain that there are lots of things there that mothers would just love!


Also in May, is the monthly Placerville Garden Club general meeting.  It's scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th at 10:00 AM.  Some of you asked for a presentation on succulents and so that is the topic for the May meeting.  Paul Sanders, El Dorado Nursery will be our speaker.  You may have heard Paul speak previously when he was with Front Yard Nursery or Green Acres. He has a wealth of information!  


You may recall in the last email I shared a number of upcoming garden tours.  One of those, the Assistance League, Gardens of the Hills Tour has donated a ticket to the PGC, which we will raffle off at the meeting? $40 value. 


Lastly, I was asked to share an upcoming class about culinary herbs put on by the El Dorado Master Gardeners.  Please open this page to see available classes.


Now back to planting...


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: April 2022

Good Eve,

Don't you absolutely love this time of year? Birds nesting, tulips popping up, hostas unfurling and warm days in the garden.  In recognition of Spring, Treasurer, Anne Bettencourt will present a session on a favorite flower-Dahlia!  Not only is Anne the club treasurer, but she is also a master gardener and dahlia flower expert.  Join us on Tuesday, April 12th at 10:00 AM at the VFW Hall.  

Also, if you didn't get to plant pumpkin seeds for the Pumpkin Growing Contest at the last meeting, you'll have another chance at the April meeting.  The plan is to have participants, using the same supplies, grow a pumpkin for a contest we'll hold in the fall. We'll be looking for pumpkins that are the  largest, oddest, heaviest, etc. The competition is on!

Lastly, again this year, member Maria Brugger has access to some Walla walla onion starts. I bought and grew some of these last year and they are sweet, crunchy, delicious onions. I'm planting more this year.  If you'd like to purchase some, they are $5 a bunch (50 starts in a bunch) or 10 cents per start. Call Maria at  530-306-4614  to order yours.  She'll bring them to the April meeting.  Thanks Maria!!

Here's hoping you'll join us on the 12th!


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: March 2022


Good evening,

It's hard to believe, but the Placerville Garden Club will celebrate its 4th anniversary next week! 

The topic of the meeting will be prepping the garden. How do you prepare? Do you keep a journal, excel sheet or notes of what and where you plant? Have you mapped out your garden? Do you have a special tool or fun plant marker to share? Bring it!  Nope, but you want to hear other gardeners' ideas? Then join us on Tuesday, March 8th at 10:00 AM. There won't be a speaker, instead we'll spend most of the morning sharing ideas. 

Remember, we meet in the dining room of the VFW Hall, 130 Placerville Drive, Placerville. Bring your ideas, examples and enthusiasm! If you have something that you'd like me to add to the PowerPoint, let me know.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!


Diane Hernandez President

Placerville Garden Club 

PGC President's Update: February 2022

Good eve all,

Whew...a tough night at our house ..the San Francisco 49ers lost the game against the LA Rams.    Well, there's always next year!


I wanted to remind you of two events.

Wednesday, February 2nd, starting at 10:00 AM, PGC members and local veterans will be cleaning/working outdoors at the VFW Hall. You may recall that V. President,   Veronica Salter was granted $1000 from Home Depot to put towards beautification projects for the hall. This is the first phase. We hope you'll join us! Bring gloves and any tools you might need as we'll be weeding, cutting grass, blowing, cleaning up, etc. Questions?? Contact Veronica at


Tuesday, February 8th at 10:00 AM is our next meeting. Master Gardener speakers, Cindy Young and Dale Hale will talk/demo seed starting and prepping for spring. We'll also hold a seed exchange! Bring any seeds you'd like to share. We'll have some seed envelopes, but you might bring additional envelopes, zip loc bags, etc.


Looking forward to prepping for's been so sunny that it seems like it's already here, eh?


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: January 2022

Good afternoon,

And a happy new year to you! Hopefully, those impacted have had an opportunity to dig out of the snow and power is back on. I know some members in Pollock are still dealing with the aftermath of the last storm. Yikes! Our power finally came back on Sunday. Whew!

Though the 2021 year is behind us, unfortunately, some things like COVID are not. Therefore, I followed up with the facilities manager at the VFW Hall regarding COVID protocols. Clubs are continuing to meet monthly.  I am told that the protocols remain the same; members should stay home if they are ill or have concerns, masks are optional, clubs are to clean up and sanitize after each meeting.  

With that in mind and to start the year off, January's guest speaker is Master Gardener, Eve Keener. Eve recently retired from the MG Program, but is willing to share her expertise with us. She is especially known for her knowledge of all things "roses". If you have roses, you won't want to miss this discussion!









           HEDGE SHEARS

           PRUNING SAW































                     DO NOT SHORTEN MAIN CANE


Lastly, if you attended the December meeting, you'll recall I asked members to be thinking about community projects the PGC might do and how to raise funds to accomplish this. Bring your ideas!


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club



PGC President's Update: December 2021

Good morning,

Tuesday, December 14th is the last meeting of 2021. We hope you'll  join us for a fun morning of games, food, raffle and making holiday wreaths. Maryann Broderick who has led us in wreath making previously, will lead the activity. Make a wreath for yourself and maybe make one to donate. The PGC will provide some greenery, wreath forms, floral wire, ribbon, glue guns and sticks, etc. You can help by bringing more greenery, wire cutters if you have them, ribbon and any decorations you want to add to your wreath(s). PLEASE RSVP if you plan to attend so that we know how many members to plan for. If you haven't already,  RSVP by Friday, December 10th to Questions? Contact Secretary, Susie King at


Hope to see you on Tuesday!


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club



PGC President's Update: November 2021

Hello all, 

Here are the plans for the holidays...

Saturday, November 20th: The PGC is decorating a tree for the Highway 50 Christmas Tree Lane. Some folks signed up at the November meeting and Events Director, Debra Nattrass will contact them. Questions? Contact Debra at


Sunday, December 5th: The PGC will participate in the Placerville Christmas Parade! This year's theme is   "A Candyland Christmas". Those PGC members who plan to march in the parade are to meet at the Broadway Plaza, 1350 Broadway (by Domino’s Pizza) at 11:00 AM. The road closes at 11:30 AM and the parade begins at 1:00PM. If possible, you might have someone drop you off at the plaza rather than trying to find parking. Dress for the weather and walking and maybe wear a Santa hat with a flower!  Walkers with the PGC banner will lead with a classic truck following. The truck will carry a Christmas tree and large wrapped boxes like Christmas presents in the bed. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate riders. Walkers will pass out wildflower seed packets to adults in the crowd. Questions? Contact Vice President, Veronica Salter at


Saturday, December 11th: PGC members will make table arrangements for the dinner being hosted by the Upper Room Dining Hall for Grizzly Flats families affected by the Caldor Fire.  PGC members should meet at about 9:00 AM at the Diamond Springs Firefighters Memorial Hall, 3734 China Gardens Rd, Diamond Springs, CA.  The hall is behind the fire department. PGC member, Maria Brugger who is the lead on this project, will provide some of the materials, but we could certainly use more! We'll need lots of greenery, low, round or rectangular containers, burlap ribbon, Christmas ribbon, etc. If you can help, please do!  Maria is even willing to pick up donated materials. Questions? Please contact Maria at


Tuesday, December 14th: This is the monthly PGC meeting at the VFW building at 10 a.m.  We hope you'll join us for a fun morning of games, food, raffle and making holiday wreaths. Maryann Broderick who has led us in wreath making previously, will lead the activity. Make a wreath for yourself and maybe make one to donate. The PGC will provide some greenery, wreath forms, floral wire, ribbon, glue guns and sticks, etc. You can help by bringing more greenery, wire cutters if you have them, ribbon and any decorations you want to add to your wreath(s). PLEASE RSVP if you plan to attend so that we know how many members to plan for.  RSVP by Friday, December 10th to Questions? Contact Secretary, Susie King at 


And that's it....let's get in the holiday spirit and  join in the fun!


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: October 2021

Hello Everyone!

Fall is finally here, temperatures are headed down and, we are back to in-person meetings at the VFW Hall! The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 12 at 10:00 AM. 

We are fortunate that  Master Gardener, Cindy Young will be the speaker. Cindy is an expert in growing vegetables and composting, including composting with worms. She may even discuss planting cover crops! Please save Cindy's handouts on Cover Crops and References.


Bring your questions. We'll also share the results of the recent Survey Monkey and discuss your suggestions. Lastly, please see the most recent CGCI Newsletter on the Members Only page (to request the password, please send a message to Contact on the menu bar). 


Here's hoping you'll join the meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 12!


Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club  

PGC President's Update: July  2021


Member Open Garden Tour:


Wednesday, July 21, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. SAVE THE DATE. Member Garden Tour. Diane Hernandez. Yep, it's my turn to open my garden! ​Feel free to bring a guest. There is a lot of shade in the morning, but you might want a hat later. Few stairs, mostly level ground. Drinks and snacks provided. The PGC Honor Stand will also be selling crafts and hopefully veggies! Proceeds go to the PGC.

PGC Member Dues:

​Lastly, if you've forgotten to pay dues, you may pay at the meeting or mail a check to PGC, 2957 Carson Road, Placerville, CA, 95667. $15 individual or $20 household. You can't beat that!  Only 2021-2022 members will receive future notifications, emails, etc.

Thank you, thank you for helping the PGC continue this year!



Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: June  2021

CGCI Awards Season 2020


Presenting the newly-installed 2021 Placerville Garden Club Board: (rear l to r) Debra Nattress, Events/Fundraising; Veronica Salter, Co-Vice President; Diane Hernandez, President; Susie King, Secretary; Anne Bettencourt, Co-Chair Treasurer; (front l to r) Co-Chair Treasurer, Linda Magee; Donna Ayerst, Communications Director; and Patty Schwartz, Co-Vice President.

On June 25, the Placerville Garden Club's newly-installed Board met at President Diane Hernandez's beautiful home and gardens to introduce ourselves to one another and to discuss future meetings and events. The meeting also provided an opportunity to look back and thank the outgoing members of the Board (Steph Gabler, Marilyn Petersen-Olson, Linda Martenot, and Kathie Nowka for the incredible job they did by volunteering to help establish the Placerville Garden Club. The new Board will be challenged to create a robust program that will continue to appeal to old and new members alike.

PGC President's Update: May 2021

Dues for 2021-2022 have again been reduced: Individuals: $15 and Household: $20. Dues can be paid at the next meeting or you may mail a check to Placerville Garden Club, 2957 Carson Road, Placerville, CA. 95667

Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: April 2021

Good Morning Members!


As you know, COVID made for a difficult year. The good news is that El Dorado County is in the Red Tier, which means we can reconvene in-person meetings! The Veterans Memorial Building where we meet has invited clubs back. The occupancy capacity is at 50%, which means approximately 50  members may attend (We're currently at 61 members.)  The VFW Council recommends but does not mandate face masks and social distancing. We may have snacks, but no meals.  Lastly, they ask us to clean up after ourselves and disinfect. With that said, the Placerville Garden Club is returning to in-person meetings at the VFW Hall, 130 Placerville Drive, Placerville beginning with the April meeting.  


Please note the following "SAVE the DATES"


PGC Meetings:

  • Tuesday, April 13, @ 10:00 AM. Topic- Get together/Catching up, how has your garden fared this year?

  • Tuesday, May 11, 10:00 AM. Topic-Greg Gayton, Green Acres, What's new in plants and what you might be doing in May.

  • Tuesday, June 8, 10:00 AM. Speaker: Jay Chopp, Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council;
    Install new officers/directors;
    Board luncheon following meeting is planned.


Member Open Garden Tours*:

  • Wednesday, May 5, Gail Butler

  • Wednesday, May 12,   Susan King

  • Wednesday, June 23, Carolyn Havicon, Bluestone Meadow Lavender Farm

  • Wednesday, July 22, Diane Hernandez

  • *More information to come.


Reduced Dues:


The dues for the 2021-2022 year have again been reduced. Individuals: $15 and Household: $20. Dues can be paid at the April or May meetings or you may mail a check to Placerville Garden Club, 2957 Carson Road, Placerville, CA. 95667.


Seeking Nominations for PGC Board Positions:


As outlined in the Placerville Garden Club (PGC) Bylaws, the club is required to collect nominations for the offices of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer that will lead the membership from July 1, 2021-June 30, 2023. The timeline is as such:

  • February-contact members regarding nominations.

  • March/April-nominate members to the membership. 

  • May-elect officers. 

  • June-install officers.

  • July 1-officers begin their new roles.  

To see the list of officers and the responsibilities of each office CLICK HERE.  The role of Vice President is being shared between two people-Vice President, Programs, and Vice President, Liaison. Please note that this email regards only the nomination of officers. The current Board will work directly with the new officers to help them get established. The remaining (current) Board positions of Director of Communications, Director of Hospitality, and Director of Special Events/Fundraising will be addressed at a later date. Won't you consider being an officer or director?


Offers by Members:

Maria Brugger has Walla Walla onion sets available. $3 a bunch (50 onion plants). I grew these onions last year and they are sweet and delicious! Email Maria at to place an order. 


Debbie Shaw has 20 tomato cages and 180 canning jars free to a good home.  Email Debbie at


Whew! lots of information. We are so excited to begin meeting in person again and hope that you'll join us!


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club


PGC President's Update: January  2021

Good morning,


Well, we have good news! El Dorado County has moved from the most restricted purple tier to the red tier, which means we may resume indoor meetings with some caveats. I heard from the Veterans Memorial Hall Building Manager that we may return to meeting indoors at 50% (50 member capacity). Clubs using the facilities will be required to clean and disinfect after meetings. They also recommend social distancing and wearing masks. Therefore, we'll celebrate our anniversary at the VFW Hall in April!  More info on that meeting to come.


Reminder-tomorrow's Zoom video call (Tuesday, March 9th @ 10:00 AM), will be presented by EDC Master Gardener and Rosarian, Eve Keener. She'll share tips on growing, pruning, and maintaining roses. Check the email that I sent on March 2nd for the Zoom link. I hope you'll join us.


I recently sent information regarding nominations for PGC officers. Nominations take place in March/ April, members vote in May, and officers are installed in June.  Please consider nominating yourself or someone else. You can rest assured you'll have plenty of help and if you'd like to sit in on a Board meeting to get a sense of how we operate, let me know.  


I'll call this "Veronica's Project" as she is the lead on this task.  If you read her email requesting help, you saw that the VFW  grounds are in need of some care.  We can help by cleaning and sprucing up the area!  The date is Tuesday, March 16th, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM or so. Bring some gloves and any tools you think might be useful.  Any amount of time you can offer would be greatly appreciated.  Oh, and you might let Veronica know you're coming if you haven't already. Her email address is 


With spring within our sights, we plan to host some informal garden tours in May and July. In fact, we have a few about your garden?  Email us at for more information or to offer your garden.


Lastly, member Maria Brugger has a fantastic offer for members.  She and a neighbor are ordering Walla Walla onion sets from Washington and they should arrive in late March. There should be about 30 or so bundles available at $5-$6 a bundle. There are about 50 onion starts in each bundle. If you've ever eaten Walla Walla onions, you know how sweet and delicious they are!  Please contact Maria at if you'd like to order some.  They'll go to the first folks who contact her!


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: January  2021

Good Day,


We could probably all agree that it has been tough engaging in activities outside of our homes in a COVID environment.  Though the Placerville Garden Club (PGC) strives to keep things going, we could really use your support!  As we look forward to the new year, I ask that you read the recent newsletter from the Golden Foothills District Director, Nina Blonski.  She reminds us all of the importance of reaffirming our club's goals and that the success of a garden club is based on the efforts of many. As we plan this year's activities, limited as they may be, I hope you'll consider your role or the contribution you might make this year. 


And lastly, on this topic, I want to thank the Board members for their efforts.  It hasn't been easy.  I especially want to recognize our Treasurer, Marilyn Olson-Petersen, and our Communication Director, Donna Ayerst.  Marilyn has dealt with a huge set of tasks regarding club dues, insurance, taxes, CGCI paperwork, etc. She is the glue that keeps this club "legal". Ha. And Donna....though we haven't been able to meet in person, Donna has continued to keep everyone informed about PGC happenings.  If you haven't looked at the website in a while, I suggest you make a visit to the Both Marilyn and Donna's contributions have been many and they are so appreciated! Thank you, thank you, Marilyn and Donna!


Meeting: Tuesday, February 9, 2021, will be the next PGC meeting via Zoom. As usual, the call will begin at 10:00AM. Our speaker is El Dorado County Master Gardener, Kit Veerkamp. Kit's presentation will focus on prepping the soil and readying the garden for spring planting.  You will receive a separate invitation prior to the meeting.

FREE CGCI Calendars:  Looking for a calendar to note all of those garden tasks?  The PGC has 4 California Garden Club, Inc. (CGCI) calendars that are free to the first 4 people who respond to this email!  Let me know that you want one and I'll put it in the mail to you. Again, that's the first 4 people who request a calendar.

PGC Website: Communications Director, Donna Ayerst reminds us all of the treasure troves of information found on the PGC website.  She is currently working on building out the "Virtual Meeting Page" and asks that members send her pictures, videos, information, etc. that she can post. Here's the link. 


Garden Tours: The PGC has had a few members offer to share their gardens this year and so we are considering offering two tours-one in spring, likely May, and one in the summer, likely July.  The tours will follow COVID restrictions of social distancing, masks, etc.  The tours will only be open to members/families and will require members to sign up for a "tour time". Snowline Hospice has offered to partner with us on this project. Perhaps we can combine these with the sale of plants and garden art!  If you are interested in helping plan the tours, growing plants for sale, donating garden art, or share YOUR garden, let me know! Remember, you will never, never be "done" with your garden so please don't hesitate to share yours. Regardless of the size or state, everyone enjoys touring gardens and learning from each other.

PGC Quilt block.  If you follow the PGC on Facebook, then you probably have seen our request to design a quilt block that represents the club.  It should include our adopted bird, the Goldfinch and adopted flower, the California Poppy (see our submissions so far on the Placerville Garden Club Facebook page).


In closing, I wish you a happy, healthy year and look forward to working with you!


Best regards,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: January  2021

Happy New Year! With the start of the year comes the anticipation of planning, preparing and planting the garden. To get the new year started, the Placerville Garden Club will host a video call next Tuesday, January 12th @ 10:00AM, so be sure to add it to your calendar! 


The topic will be container gardening. Our own member Lynn De Bie will share a unique approach to this using file cabinets. I'll also share my approach using stock tanks. If you are container gardening and could share some info or pics please let me know and we'll add you to the presentation. Otherwise, feel welcome to join in the conversation.  A separate invitation for the video call will be sent out later.


Here's hoping you can join us as we continue to do our best to stay connected. 


Take care and stay safe,

Diane Hernandez, President

Placerville Garden Club

PGC President's Update: December  2020


Hello Garden Friends!

It's hard to believe that the holidays are upon us and 2020 will soon be in the rearview mirror, for which I am very happy! Here is a bit of information to close out the year:

  • We had a request from Kathleen Barco asking about a special "watermelon" knife (long, serrated,  watermelon colors)  that she left at a garden party at Don LaGrand's.  Apparently, Don gave it to a Placerville Garden Club (PGC) member to hand off to Kathleen, but she missed some meetings and wasn't able to connect.  If you know anything about the knife, please contact Kathleen. Her contact info can be found on the PGC website, "members only" page, or contact me.

  • In order to provide a bit of holiday cheer, we added some cyclamen and decorations to the planters that the club installed at the Veteran's Memorial Hall. The Veteran's Council prefers to wait until the pandemic is behind us before holding a dedication ceremony for the installation of the Blue Star Memorial marker.

  • The PGC Farm Stand closed in early November and I can report that we made approximately $400 in October. The proceeds were handed over to Marilyn, PGC Treasurer to deposit into our account.  Again, thank you to those who donated produce, flowers, and crafts!  Those crafts that did not sell, are being held in hopes of selling them next year when we are finally able to hold our plant/garden art sale.

  • Looking to the future, we plan on holding a video conference for the first garden club meeting of the 2021 year, which is Tuesday, January 12, 2021.  More info to come. Also, the PGC plans to host two garden tours, one in spring (early May?) and one in summer (July?).  I am letting you know now in case you are willing to host a tour and need some time to plan.  If you are interested in hosting a tour of your garden, please let me know.

  • Thank you to Steph Gabler, Director Fundraising/Events for leading the Facebook challenges over the past couple of months! It was great to see the things folks entered. If you are on Facebook, check out our Facebook page.  

    Happy Holidays,
    Diane Hernandez


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