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Serving the Community


Programs the Placerville Garden Club Supports.
One of the key elements of any successful garden club, is the support it provides its community.  The PGC has elected to support two key organizations in Placerville.  One is the Veterans Memorial Building (VMB) aka Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) where the garden club meets and the second is the El Dorado County Fairgrounds. Our goal is to provide beautification projects that enhance these facilities and demonstrates PGC's commitment to the community as it relates to gardening. There is more information about these two programs below. And, to see photos of these efforts (and more), check out the Photo Album!  

We also support our members with gardening chores during difficult times as well as the United States Forest Service (USFS) in their reforestation efforts through Penny Pines. 

Lastly, we support other ad hoc service projects as we become aware of them.

The Veteran's Memorial Building
The El Dorado Veterans Services has long been known for the assistance it provides veterans, their dependents and survivors. The Veteran's Council has graciously allowed the PGC to meet at the VMB monthly. In return, the PGC honored El Dorado County Veterans with a Blue Star Memorial Plaque that was dedicated in May 2021. Additionally, the PGC has begun some beautification projects. One is  at the front of the building, (pots and a planter) and the second, the Victory Garden that will be dedicated to each of the military forces.  Veronica Salter, the lead on the project, received a $1000 grant from Home Depot that will go towards this project. If you are interested in helping, please check with Veronica.  Meeting dates and times will be mentioned in Club meetings and coming up dates on Facebook. Bring gloves, any tools you might use and what you need to take care of you (hat, water, etc.).  

The El Dorado County Fairgrounds
Locals have long enjoyed the activities hosted at the EDC Fairgrounds, especially the annual fair each June.  The PGC has adopted the area near the Fairground office with the intent of providing beautification projects. We weed, clean up, prune, plant, etc. Gail Butler is the lead on the fairgrounds project. If you are interested in helping, we typically meet at the entrance to the fairgrounds the every Thursday beginning at 9:00 AMlasting until around noon. Work dates/times are usually mentioned in Club meetings. Bring gloves, any tools you might use and what you need to take care of you (hat, water, etc.).  Please check with Gail Butler if you have any questions.

Penny Pines
The “Penny Pines” are plantings that are made part of the regular National Forest reforestation program on burned-over and brush covered areas which are potentially productive timberlands. Northern California plantations are for soil protection, beauty, and future harvestable timber.  Our club along with other clubs have signed on to make donations to the USFS in support of this important work.  Members may support Penny Pines through donations of any amount. You can learn more about this program online including through the National Garden Clubs. 
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