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We are so lucky to find many nearby resources available to Placerville Garden Club members. Please use the above drop-down menu under "More" for a list of local nurseries, gardens worth visiting, where to buy gardening tools, blogs and more. You will also find recommended classes you can join and where to learn more about gardening in the Sierra foothills. 

Child Picking Fruit
Gardening Store
Vegetable Garden
Woman shod in boots digs potatoes in her garden. Growing organic vegetables herself..jpg
Community and Local Programs
Excavator moving logs in forest
El Dorado County's Dead Tree Removal Program


While you may not need the sort of equipment seen in the adjacent photo, you may qualify for this important program. The criteria require that dead and dying trees must be: 1) greater than 10 inches in diameter and 20 feet in height; 2) must be within 300 feet of, and pose a structural threat to, the residence; and 3) must also be reasonably accessible by equipment or machinery. Seniors 60 and above are eligible, dependent on income. For more information SEE HERE.

Domestic Waste Bin
Make the Pledge to Compost
Timothy Engle, a Supervising Health Specialist with El Dorado County, spoke on the value of composting organic material in the home. The County invites you to take the pledge to compost your organic materials and to get you started, they are offering a free home compost bin (quantities limited). To make the pledge to compost and to get your bin, please SEE HERE.  
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